Investor FAQs

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What is Nu Ride Inc.'s ticker symbol?

Shares of Nu Ride Inc.'s Class A common stock trade on the OTC under the ticker symbol NRDE. Warrants to purchase shares of Nu Ride Inc.'s Class A common stock trade on the OTC under the ticker symbol NRDE.

How do I buy Nu Ride Inc. stock?

To purchase shares in Nu Ride Inc., please contact your brokerage firm.

Who is Nu Ride Inc.'s transfer agent?

Nu Ride Inc.'s transfer agent is American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC and can be contacted by calling 1-800-937-5449 or emailing

Where is Nu Ride Inc.'s Corporate Headquarters?

C/O M3 Partners; 1700 Broadway, 19th Floor; New York, NY 10019

When does Nu Ride Inc.'s Fiscal Year end?

Nu Ride Inc.'s fiscal year end is December 31st.

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